Bridges Family Care Inc., provides individual/family coaching and consulting employing a collaborative framework to help children, adolescents, adults, families, and couples achieve their full potential. You are in the driver’s seat of our coaching relationship. We are here to give you what you need whether that be support with motivation, building the confidence and courage to step outside your comfort zone, emotional support, help with organizing projects, and so much more.
Executive Coaching for Businesses
Bridges Family Care Inc certified staff provides executive coaching to businesses that need to build and enhance:
Value-driven company culture design and alignment
Role development and clarity within teams
Inter-team trust building
Solution-focused communication
Conflict resolution management
Diversity/inclusion awareness and integration
Retrospectives for insightful learning
While life coaching can help identify goals and strategies, it is not treatment or psychotherapy. The following classes are examples of life coaching available:
Divorce Support Group: Individuals who are considering divorce or who have gone through a divorce and need support services.
Special Needs Support Group: The support group is for families who have a child or children with special needs and need support services to help them overcome challenges.
Enhanced Co-Parenting & Partner Support: Individual Parent Coaching for those experiencing co-parenting conflicts, parental depression or stress, who need additional support to successfully use the parenting skills from the above classes.
Non-Offending Parent’s Program: This program is designed for parents that may have someone in the family where sexual abuse allegations exist, or a person you know has been arrested/convicted of a sexual offense. This program helps educate the responsible parties (non- offending parents) for the safety of the children in the family and children in the community. This program is also very useful to answer the multiple questions a parent may have.
Bridges Family Care Inc. offers individual parent/caretaker consultation and/or group sessions for parents of sexually abused children. Here parents can start managing and regulating their emotional turmoil, come to terms with the impact that sexual abuse has had on their children, learn to intervene on their child’s behalf, and create the trust and safety necessary for the child’s recovery.
Anger Management: This program is designed to help individuals recognize and manage anger. By gaining a better understanding of self, we learn to better control our anger so that it does not lead to violent outbursts or actions that are harmful to others. The purpose of the program is to develop the proper tools to help recognize and normalize anger, gain a better understanding and control of self.
Triple P
Positive Parenting Program: Is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent as well as treat behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents. It gives parents the skills they need to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers and to build stronger family relationships. It also helps parents manage misbehavior and prevent problems occurring in the first place.
Pathways: Has been developed as an intensive intervention program for parents who have difficulty regulating their emotions and as a result are considered at risk of physically or emotionally harming their children.
Parents of Teens: A broadly focused parenting support intervention on a one-to- one basis for parents of teenagers up to 16 years. After thorough family assessment, parents set their own goals, learn ways to encourage positive behavior for teens, and teach their teens new skills such as problem solving, conflict resolution, and self- regulation. Over 10 sessions, parents identify the influences on teenagers’ behavior and set their own goals for change. Parents also learn ways to use appropriate consequences for problem behavior (e.g. breaking family rules, taking inappropriate risks, emotional outbursts).
Family Transitions: Families going through a separation/divorce, child custody proceedings or other family changes, will benefit from the Family Transitions Program. The program is designed to assist parents in building and maintaining a healthy co-parenting relationship, while providing strategies to manage conflicts, stressful situations and challenging family dynamics. Parents have the important role of raising the next generation. The challenge for all parents is to raise healthy, well-adjusted children in a loving, predictable environment.
Stepping Stones Triple P: Stepping Stones Triple P has been developed for parents of children with a developmental disability. Because it’s based on Triple P’s proven parenting strategies, it gives you ways to deal with the kinds of childhood behavior problems and issues that can make family life stressful. Stepping Stones Triple P has been evaluated with real families and has been shown to work with children with intellectual and physical disabilities who have disruptive behavior.
Classes are offered by certified Triple P practitioners at Bridges Family Care Inc.